Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
What's In My Tote?
Our #TOGETHERWEAR tote bags have a positive impact on people and planet. So, what do the #TOGETHERBAND team carry in theirs?
By Emma ELms
6 JUly 2021
We wouldn't be without our tote bags here at #TOGETHERBAND. Invaluable for doing the grocery shop, perfect for stashing in a smaller bag ready to fill for those unexpected after work picnics, and just the ticket for your laptop when you're working remotely. But what if your tote was more than just handy?
Our 100% recycled #TOGETHERWEAR tote bags give you the chance to support the Global Goals at the same time as doing your shopping/swimming/socialising. They’re available in black with the option of three different coloured dots: a pink circle represents Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities; green is Goal 13: Climate Action and the white circle covers all 17 of the Global Goals’. Part of our #TOGETHERWEAR line, the bags, like all of our clothing, are made responsibly from 60% organic cotton and 40% recycled polyester and use GOTS certified eco-friendly dyes. They’re made in a renewable energy-powered facility in India, reflecting our commitment to Goal 7: Clean Energy; it’s also a member of the Fair Wear Foundation, which works to improve labour conditions for garment workers all over the world. So why not buy a bag to show your support for the Global Goals? Let’s just peek inside the totes of some of the #TOGETHERBAND team first…
‘I'm lucky enough to live on the Isle of Wight where local produce is abundant, but not always from the same place, so I pop from shop to shop filling my tote with fresh veg and sustainably caught fish. What else do I carry in there? An extra tote for emergencies, of course!’
Hannah Rochell, Deputy Head of Content
‘Every day after work I close my laptop and stuff my swimwear and towel into a tote bag, before heading down to the river across the road from our cottage. We've just moved to the Peak District which has given me limitless opportunities for cold water swimming – it's a great way to let the day go and start the evening feeling refreshed and reconnected.'
Leanne Walstow, Social Media Manager
‘When the weather cooperates, I've been making a habit of doing yoga in the park. My tote bag is filled with everything I need – a yoga block and mat, a water bottle, an iPad to watch the lesson and a jumper just in case!’
Jessica Jurkschat, Content Marketing Executive
‘My tote is filled with library books. As a busy mum-of-three, I don’t get much time to read, but I love browsing my library haul, whether vegetarian cookbooks or titles I’ve seen on the Sunday Times Bestsellers list, like Three Women by Lisa Taddeo and Slay In Your Lane by Yomi Adegoke and Elizabeth Uviebinené.’
Emma Elms, Features Editor
‘Picnics are great fun in London’s beautiful parks. There’s nothing better than enjoying good food and conversation while sitting on the grass. My tote bags are helpful for carrying all the different boxes, bottles and blankets – and strong enough to hold the weight. Another plus – even if they get dirty, I can easily wash them and they look like new again.’
Marie Neumann, Digital Marketing Executive
‘I got into calisthenics (gymnastics training) just before the pandemic hit. I used my tote to carry my gymnastics rings to the park each morning to hang from the trees when gyms were shut. Even though gyms have reopened, I’m still heading to the park a few mornings a week with my rings as nothing beats working out in nature.’
Nick Spensley, Head of PR & Marketing
100% of profits from the sales of #TOGETHER products go to charities that advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Find out more here.