Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
about clean power
Find out more about the vital aims of our campaign for renewable energy
By hannah rochell and Emma Elms
10 AUGUST 2022
The climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges of our time, and fossil fuels are one of the biggest contributors. Nearly three quarters of greenhouse gases come from the energy we use to power our lives. Time is running out. We need to minimise our dependence on fossil fuels and find new renewable energy sources. The price we pay for our energy is rising, but we believe that by reducing our reliance on gas and oil, we can address the climate emergency and save money on our bills, too.
The Clean Power campaign aims to highlight the benefits of renewable energy and is now coming to London with our founding partner The Crown Estate. The Crown Estate is a unique business with a diverse portfolio that stretches across the country and includes Regent Street, which it is working to make a more sustainable, biodiverse and accessible destination, introducing trees and planters, widening pavements, and improving facilities for cyclists. It also manages the seabed and half the foreshore around England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and therefore play a fundamental role in the sustainable development of this important national asset, including in the UK’s world-leading offshore wind sector as well as marine aggregates, cables and pipelines and CCUS.

Our Scottish Canals activation
An installation of hundreds of flags designed by graphic artist Morag Myerscough will be flying on the capital's iconic Oxford Street. Our mission is to support the global drive to bring carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by 2050 and give our planet the best possible chance of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5ºC.
#TOGETHERBAND is brought to you by the British luxury sustainable brand BOTTLETOP. Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do, and our mission is to empower people and planet through sustainable design and creative culture; we now have our own atelier and training programs in Brazil and Nepal. All of our #TOGETHER and BOTTLETOP products, from wrist bands to sunglasses, are made from recycled materials and proceeds from sales go to projects and charities that advance the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our Clean Power campaign is no different - even our flags are made from 100% recycled materials and we will repurpose them into bags when the campaign has finished.
What will our campaign look like?
In line with #TOGETHERBAND’s strong creative values, we’re displaying ‘art to inspire action’ on flags along Oxford Street in the heart of London's shopping district. Created by graphic artist Morag Myerscough, a London-born designer renowned for her bold outdoor installations, the art carries a powerful message about renewable energy to inspire the local and global community alike.
‘It’ll be so wonderful to see the area filled with colour and hope,’ says Morag. ‘With this work I wanted to put out an optimistic approach towards our future. If we work together we can help make the changes we need to happen. The oranges, greens and blues represent the sun, sea and air that we need to power ourselves to a renewable future.’

Artist Morag Myerscough
Photograph by Harvey Marcus
100% of profits from the sales of #TOGETHER products go to charities that advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Find out more here.
How you can get involved
Sign up for more information about how and when to switch to a renewable energy provider and find more resources on our dedicated Clean Power website.
You can also wear your support! Our range of four colourful 100% recycled T-shirts, also designed by Morag, bear the words: Sun, Sea and Air – the three key renewable energy sources - and our Clean Power logo. ‘I wanted them to be bold,’ says Morag. ‘I like the one with the wording on its side, because it’s quite abstract, so you’re not walking around trying to be an advert, you almost have to look twice before you read it. I asked for the wording: ‘sun’, ‘sea’ and ‘air’. I mean, we can’t exist without them, can we?! I’m not religious, but I think if I was alive a very long time ago, I would have worshipped the sun, sea and air.’
You can also pick up one of our zero waste compostable phone cases featuring Morag’s artwork as well as one (or both!) of two special edition #TOGETHERBANDs: Clean Power and Sun. By wearing one of our Clean Power products you can show your support for the campaign, while proceeds go to charities that support Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy.
This article was originally published in October 2021 and has been updated