Sabitri Nepali says the help from
Renewable World changed her life
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Why We support: renewable world
Renewable World is on a mission to make clean, affordable energy accessible to all, helping to end extreme poverty and mitigate climate change
By Emma Elms
17 november 2021
The charity Renewable World aims to bring sustainable energy to people living in remote communities in Nepal and Kenya – targeting those who can least afford it, but need it most. Clean, reliable energy is of course not only vital for health, access to water, education, business and agriculture, but the reality is that living without an energy supply can be a huge barrier that prevents people from lifting themselves out of poverty.
What your money does
One in nine people worldwide don’t have access to electricity, one in ten people lack access to clean water and one in three lack access to clean cooking facilities, according to Renewable World. Since 2008, the charity has reached nearly 70,000 people with renewable energy technologies and services, creating bright, new futures for vulnerable communities in Kenya, Nepal and beyond.
Our close partnership with the NGO fits in perfectly with #TOGETHERBAND’s own #CleanPower campaign, which launched in Glasgow for COP26 in October. We also have close ties with Nepal of course, where our #TOGETHERBANDs are made by our dedicated team of artisan workers, many of whom have faced extreme poverty or escaped from sexual exploitation.
‘We work with remote communities in Nepal and Kenya to create access to community-owned renewable energy systems that they can manage and maintain easily themselves, from solar-powered water pumps to power in schools, health centres and small businesses,’ explains Marie Hounslow, Head of Fundraising at Renewable World. ‘Our work is vital because without access to energy, it’s very difficult to lift yourself out of poverty. In a climate emergency, it’s crucial that we’re able to offer clean technologies to help remote, climate-vulnerable communities to progress.’

Sabitri and her teenage son Rashkumar say their lives used
to be dominated by long, daily journeys to collect water
Funding from #TOGETHERBAND has helped women like mother-of-three Sabitri Nepali (above) who lives in Naram Gaun, in the Gulmi district of Nepal. Her life used to be dominated by a two-hour round trip to the nearest water source, often four times a day. ‘I used to get up as early as 2am to queue to collect water,’ she says. Her 15-year-old son Rashkumar would also often have to collect water up to four times a day. ‘There were fights over others pushing in the queue. I got very tired and very fed up, and I missed lessons and whole days of school,’ he recalls.
Then, Renewable World installed a solar-powered water pump in Sabitri’s village, one of 35 similar pumps they’ve provided in Nepal. The results have been life-changing. Sabitri now has a vegetable garden full of beans, tomatoes and cauliflowers, irrigated by her new tap stand. It’s also given her a new source of income as she sells her vegetables at the local market.
How to help
Right now, as the world continues to battle one of the worst pandemics in history, Renewable World is running a vital Energy 4 Health project, which provides solar-powered electricity to local clinics, meaning crucial health services like vaccines can now be stored in solar-powered fridges.

Bimala Aacharya with her baby daughter Divya, who is able to have vital nebuliser treatment, thanks to the solar power microgrids Renewable World installed
‘Clean energy in rural health clinics (like Bimala's above) is a lifeline for many,’ says Phil Brown, CEO of Renewable World. ‘Before we installed the solar energy systems that run health equipment such as nebulisers and fridges to store vaccines, people would have to walk up to an hour to access health care. Heavily pregnant women, new mothers with babies that need vaccinations and older people particularly struggled to get to a clinic that could often provide life-saving treatment.’
‘We also install handwashing facilities, which along with training and awareness of good hygiene, helps to stop the spread of diseases,’ he continues. ‘So far, we’ve connected 11 health clinics to solar energy, reaching nearly 18,000 people in the last year. But we can’t do it alone – it’s thanks to supporters like #TOGETHERBAND that we can reach even more people to make sure no one is left behind.’
If you’d like to help change someone’s life through providing renewable energy, please either donate direct to Renewable World or support their work by buying a pair of Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy #TOGETHERBANDs below.
100% of profits from the sales of #TOGETHER products go to charities that advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Find out more here.