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Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
A Guide To Affordable And Clean Energy
The people, campaigns and think tanks helping simplify Goal 7
28 OCTOBER 2021
The climate crisis is one of the most pressing matters of our time. By transitioning to clean energy and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, we can minimise our carbon footprint and slow down the effects of climate change. Affordable and Clean Energy goes hand-in-hand with global warming – in order to meet our long term climate goals, we must look towards green energy. Here are the incredible people, campaigns and think tanks helping tackle clean energy.
The Futurists

Renewable UK
RenewableUK members are business leaders, technology innovators and expert thinkers from across the industry. They’re working to shift our future energy system to clean electricity and deliver a future which is better for people and the planet. Read more here.
Global Wind Energy Council
The Global Wind Energy Council is the international trade association for the wind power industry. Its mission is to secure wind power as the answer to today’s energy challenges, ensuring real environmental and economic benefits. The council works with governments in over 80 countries to provide information about the benefits and potential of wind power and supports policy makers in helping add clean power to their energy mix. Find out more here.
The Local Authorities
Switched on London
Switched on London is campaigning for a publicly owned energy company that London can be proud of. It is calling to set up a new people-powered energy company that cuts bills and cuts polluting carbon emissions – a non-profit company with social justice, clean energy and democracy at its core. Read more about the campaign here.
People for Power
The UK energy policy is blocking the growth of renewables, and Power For People is campaigning for solutions to stop this. The non-profit organisation is working to benefit local communities and pushing for the UK to transition to 100% clean energy, and fast. Join them here.
The Inspiring Campaigns

Beyond Coal
Mining and burning coal has devastating effects on public health, the environment, and the global climate. Beyond Coal is working to end Europe’s dependence on coal, and shift towards renewable energy, all by 2030. The sooner it happens, the better chance we have to tackle the climate crisis, to avoid premature health conditions, and ensure cleaner air and water for all. Find out more here.
The Fair Energy Campaign
Over 4 million people in the UK live in fuel poverty. The Fair Energy Campaign is a social movement to raise the bar in energy supply standards and aims to tackle fuel poverty systemically by addressing unbalanced pricing which often leads to debt in low-income households. Join the movement here.
The Energy Experts
Ember is a team of energy professionals who are passionate about the future of the energy sector and all have the same mission: to accelerate the transition to clean energy and tackle the coal problem. They’re working hard to phase-out coal-power by 2030, and without an expansion in false solutions such as fossil gas or unsustainable biomass. Join them here.
The International Energy Agency
The International Energy Agency is your go-to for all energy information. IEA is made up of 30 member countries and 8 association countries, and provides data, statistics and solutions on all fuels and technologies. Their mission is to shape and secure a sustainable energy future for all. Learn more here.
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