Janet worked on her family's farm
before opening her own store
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Why We support: action through enterprise
Thanks to funding from Action Through Enterprise and #TOGETHERBAND, Janet fulfilled her dream to open her own fashion store
By Emma Elms
12 january 2022
Action Through Enterprise, a small but dedicated charity, works to reduce poverty in Lawra, an isolated community in Ghana where food is scarce, work opportunities are rare and many face extreme hardship. The inspiring founder Sarah Gardner, 37, set up the charity after visiting the region as a volunteer back in 2012. ‘I was sent there as a teacher trainer but then decided to set up my own charity to address the other more pressing issues I saw, such as extreme poverty, food insecurity and a lack of work opportunities, especially for women.’
What your money does
‘Our work is vital because Lawra is 18 hours by road from the capital city, so very few charities work there,’ explains Sarah. The donations from sales of #TOGETHERBANDs have supported Action Through Enterprise (ATE) to work towards Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, specifically by helping to fund their small business development programme, known as ‘BizATE’. This brilliant scheme aims to transform communities through offering training, business opportunities and a year of mentoring for selected women. The charity is their only hope of finding the funding they need to set up their own business and helps them on the journey towards financial independence.
Janet Kuubere, 34, left school at 14 and like many young people in rural Lawra, ended up helping on her family’s farm. With no employable skills, her future was uncertain until she heard about ATE’s vocational training programme. ‘I always wanted to be a seamstress but had no support until this opportunity came along,’ she says.

Janet Kuubere left school at 14 and says Action Through
Enterprise gave her the support she needed.
Pictured here with her ATE mentor Gabriel
Janet began her apprenticeship in 2016 and worked with her trainer Theresa for three years, who was herself supported by ATE. After qualifying, the charity helped Janet to start her own business. Now right opposite Lawra’s busy market is ‘Auntie Janet Fashion’, her very own shop. ‘I feel so proud. This business grant has given me the opportunity to make my life better.’ Janet, who lives with her husband and three children, also has a personal message to younger people, ‘Concentrate on your education, don’t get pregnant too soon and learn a trade.’ Janet is now able to take control of her future and provide for her family, thanks to the support of ATE and #TOGETHERBAND.
How to help

Ex-teacher Sarah Gardner founded Action Through Enterprise
‘The impact of lockdown on the people of Lawra has been catastrophic,’ says Sarah. ‘Its economy was already vulnerable, but schools were closed for nine months, markets were shut and people’s businesses suffered significantly.’ ATE now wants to raise funds to set up 16 new businesses to enable more women like Janet to support their families and become community role models. If you can, please either donate direct to Action Through Enterprise or support their work by buying a pair of Goal 11 #TOGETHERBANDs below. Help give more women like Janet a brighter future.
100% of profits from the sales of #TOGETHER products go to charities that advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Find out more here.